1. Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Anime Voice Actors / Seiyuu
東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖(トウ) ; Daigo, Yuuya · 228. Taira, Katsui ; Karasu, Ryouichi · 278. Sakaguchi, Daisuke ; Hiyuu, Tatsuma · 356. Shimono, Hiro ; Claude, Alan.
Check out which anime shares the same voice cast!

2. Story Overview | Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Wiki - Fandom
During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsider" status and ...
Something evil is stirring in the shadows of Tokyo... During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsider" status and his profound skills in martial arts quickly earn him the friendship of class delinquent Kyouichi Houraiji. Through an uncanny connection and a happenstance challenge, he also meets Yuuya Daigo of the wrestling club, the captain of the girls' archery club, Komaki Sakurai, and Aoi Misato, t

3. Tokyo Majin | Manga Wiki - Fandom
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō Tō (東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖?) is a Japanese anime series, which premiered in Japan on the anime satellite TV network Animax.
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō Tō (東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖?) is a Japanese anime series, which premiered in Japan on the anime satellite TV network Animax. A large part of the Tokyo Majin Gakuen Franchise, it is loosely based on a series of Japan-only video games, and is directed by Shinji Ishihara. The first season first aired on January 19, 2007 and ended on April 20, 2007; all the episodes in the series were called the 'Dark Law Chapters'. A second season, titled Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchō Tō: Dai Ni Maku

4. Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou | LiveChart.me
During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsider" status and his ...
Something evil is stirring in the shadows of Tokyo... During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsid...

5. Tokyo Majin Gakuen Denki - Wikiwand
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Denki , colloquially also known as Tokyo Majin Gakuen , is a Japanese media franchise primarily focused on video games, with branches ...
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Denki , colloquially also known as Tokyo Majin Gakuen , is a Japanese media franchise primarily focused on video games, with branches into ot...
6. 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖 - アニメ声優情報 - まうまう
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7. 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖(トウ) 外法編 - アニメハック - 映画.com
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東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖(トウ) 外法編のスタッフ、キャスト、あらすじ、主題歌、イベント情報を掲載!

8. 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龍龍(トウ)(全14話) - dアニメストア
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9. 『東京魔人學園剣風帖 龍龍』作品情報 - アニメイトタイムズ
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【アニメイトタイムズ】『東京魔人學園剣風帖 龍龍』は、ゲーム「東京魔人學園伝奇」シリーズを原案としたTVアニメ作品。こちらでは、アニメ『東京魔人學園剣風帖 龍龍』のあらすじ、キャスト声優、スタッフ、オススメ記事をご紹介!

10. 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖 - アニメ@wiki FANBOXご支援募集中!
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ここを編集 2007年1月放送開始。続編に東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖 第弐幕がある。 監督 石平信司 原作 今井秋芳 シリーズ構成 根元歳三 キャラクターデザイン・総作画監督 中井準 プロップデザイン 鈴...

11. Tokyo Majin (TV) - Anime News Network
東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖 (Japanese). Links: We have 1. Reviews: Tokyo Majin DVD (Jan 12, 2010). Tokyo Majin DVD Season 1 (Mar 2, 2009). Tokyo Majin DVD 1 (Nov 27, ...
12. Tokyo Majin 2 Watch Online Free - Okarun
Dec 24, 2024 · Auto play. Auto next. You are watching Episode 1. (If ... 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖(トウ) 第弐幕 Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Dai Ni Maku.
Watch Tokyo Majin 2 with fast streaming servers. NO LAG! NO BUFFERING! You also can download it here.

13. 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龍龍(トウ) 第弐幕 - バンダイチャンネル
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(C)Asmik Ace Entertainment,Inc./Marvelous Interactive Inc./Majin Production Committee

14. 吉住 梢 (よしずみ こずえ) - 声優グランプリforスゴ得
MY VOICE ACTOR; スペシャル; TOP; マイルーム · マガジン · 声優図鑑 · コラム · ムービー ... 剣風帖 龖』比良坂紗夜、ゲーム『東京魔人學園』比良坂紗夜. 前のページへ ...
声優グランプリ forスゴ得|ドコモスゴ得コンテンツ

15. 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龍龍(トウ) - アニメ放題
東京魔人學園剣風帖 龍龍(トウ). 目醒めよ、《力持つ者》たちよ…人気ゲーム ... Google Playで「アニメ放題」で検索! まずは1カ月無料トライアル. よくある質問 ...
4,600作品以上が高画質で見放題!スマホ、タブレット、テレビで楽しめる!! あらすじ:目醒めよ、《力持つ者》たちよ…人気ゲームを原作とした伝奇バトルアクション第1弾!

16. Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho (2007) - The Movie Database
Original Name 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖. Status Ended. Networks. -. Type Scripted. Original Language Japanese. Keywords. anime · horror. Content Score. 88. Almost ...
La storia ha luogo a Tokyo dove si stanno verificando alcuni strani fenomeni. Durante la notte le pesone scompaiono a causa di alcune morti misteriose per poi riapparire improvvisamente di giorno sottoforma di cadaveri. Inoltre, una volta portati all'obitorio per eseguire l'autopsia, questi corpi spariscono lasciando solo qualche segno che indica che si trovavano in quel luogo. Lo studente trasferito Hiyuu Tsutsuma e un altro ragazzo di nome Kyouichi Houraiji passeranno le notti ad indagare su questi strani zombie e assieme ad un altro gruppo di amici dotati anch'essi di poteri speciali che in realà dietro a questi fatti si nasconde una minaccia molto più grande

17. Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou 2nd Act (TV) - Anime News Network
[ sequel of Tokyo Majin (TV) ]. Alternative title: Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou: Dainimaku (Japanese). 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖 第弐幕 (Japanese). Genres ...