The Ithaca Journal from Ithaca, New York (2024)

Stories The Ithaca Journal Friday, June 22, 1990 Friends- MONITOR (Continued from Page 1A) African government until racial segregation is ended. wants to keep up the American movement, which is forcing the U.S. government to have sanctions against South Africa," said Martin Bernal, a professor of government at Cornell University. Bernal is writing a series of books outlining the influence of Africa on European history. unrealistic to expect much more.

And this economic pressure and revisions in South Africa have caused a major shift in the image of the African National Congress, of which Mandela is vice president, said Robert L. Harris, director of the Africana Studies and Research Center at Cornell University. "Prior to (Mandela's) release, the ANC was seen as a communistaffiliated organization," Harris said. "Now, it's come to be seen as the authentic, legitimate representative of the people in South Africa." There also have been changes in the economic and- political status of Plant- (Continued from Page 3A) The building was constructed as a boiler room to heat a tuberculosis sanitarium built by the state in the 1930s. The sanitarium was sold to the county in the 1950s and renovated to become the county hospital, and then it became known as the old hospital when Tompkins Community Hospital was built nearby in the late 1970s.

The old heating plant's tall brick smokestack can be seen from the east shore of Cayuga Lake and has long been used as a landmark for area fisherman, sailers and sur-. veyors. The cement and brick building with its arched gothic windows was intially built as a coalfired plant, located far enough down the hill so the coal smoke wouldn't affect the ailing breathers above. Ironically, the imposing and lonely smokestack has never once belched smoke, and the reason for hiding it in the woods above Route 89 became moot when coal on a railroad car was replaced by natu- Satanism- (Continued from 1 Page 3A) activity there -last year. Ithaca, police confirm that the student has worked with them in other cases, but the officer she helped could not recall that specific instance.

If any significant proof of satan worship were to have come out of that investigation it certainly would have been remembered, Ithaca Police Chief Harlin McEwen said. "We do get complaints from time to time about satanic activity. If it involves illegal activity, we'll pursue it. If it doesn't, we'll tuck it away in our heads for some other McEwen said. Yet the student said there is something going on in the old building.

went up there a few times to drink beer with my friends, and saw some of the stuff up there," said the informant who did not want to be identified. asked some of my friends, School- (Continued from Page 3A) austerity budget. This is the fourth time in five years that Dryden voters have rejected a school budget. Here are the results of secondround votes in other rural districts in the Ithaca area: Union Springs Voters on Wednesday put all the "extras" except the most expensive one equipment back into the budget for 1990-91, although several of the propositions were swayed by just a few votes. The school board voted earlier to go on an austerity budget for 1990- 91, after the first version of the budget was defeated May 16.

Voters shot down that $8.5 million budget, the second year in a row that a spending plan has been defeated in Union Springs. Wednesday they approved adding athletics, extramural activities, new library books, transportation, free community use of buildings and student supplies to the austerity budget. But they refused to spend $117,397 for equipment, which included $20,000 for computers for elementary students and South African blacks because of the sanctions, Mbata said. These measures need to continue until the white South African government moves even further to end the segregation that the United States and other Western countries have been fighting against, experts said. "When you hit people in the pocketbooks, they're bound to stop and think," Mbata said.

Relatives and friends whom she keeps in touch with in South Africa say they can see that the sanctions are working. Cornell University can't join in on these celebrations though, said Scott McMillin, an English professor at the university who has been a strong anti-apartheid advocate. Groups at the university have been lobbying its board of trustees for 20 years to stop investments companies doing business in South Africa. Earlier this year, groups of students and faculty protested in front of President Frank H. T.

Rhodes' office and built shanties on the campus Arts Quad to encourage university officials to pull support from the South African ral gas from a newly installed pipe- line. The plant remains in an area where poor access to it could limit its development. think it's a magnificent building. It has a German 1930s look, and it's a wonderful setting," said would-be developer Vicky Romanoff who was one of the first to consider developing the site nearly 10 years ago. "The asbestos became a big problem, but that wasn't an insurmountable one.

Getting sewer and water service down there became a nightmare," she said. Historic Ithaca also considered using the site the late 1980s, but possible state restoration funding evaporated when the project was delayed by the ongoing development debate around Ithaca, said Charles Pomona, the preservation group's program manager. Paper mache-like asbestos trickles out of insulation jackets that imprison the old steam pipes and they said they did animal sacrifices there." she said in a recent interview. But the likelihood of sinister religious activity there is not a great possibility, a Cornell-based authority on cults said. "It's probably an indication of youthful experimentation with satanic said Ronald Loomis, president of the National Cult Awareness Network.

seen photographs of the symbols more than two years ago, some of them are traditional satanic symbols, some are not," he said. Loomis, who is Cornell's director of unions and student activities, said rumors of what goes on in the old heating plant have percolated for years, but unless new evidence is uncovered, he and the police are reluctant to believe in any rea. threat the public. satanic cult business is not anything illegal. We may be nervous about it, we may not like it.

costs for grounds and maintenance needs. "Equipment didn't surprise me because it was the big ticket item," Superintendent Randolph Coon said. "You just use bubble gum and paper clips to keep the equipment together, I He said slim margins on some propositions were a surprise, such as the 615-607 vote to fund athletics. Booster clubs and others had lobbied extensively to get funds for sports, Coon said. Moravia The budget passed Wednesday by a vote of 463-258.

The school board had revised the budget mainly to include the actual state aid amount, which was higher than anticipated. The newly approved version totals $8.2 million, which is $161,000 less than what voters defeated May 16. That means the tax rate is estimated to jump by 12.6 percent to $16.66 per $1,000 true value, instead of 20 percent. On a $50,000 home, the new budget will raise the tax bill from $739.50 to $833, an increase of $93.50. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE BURNS ROAD WILL BE CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC WED.

JUNE 25th, 26th 27th TOWN OF ITHACA government. Cornell has $53 million of its $1.1 billion total portfolio invested in companies that have operations in South Africa, said David I. Stewart, a university spokesman. Some $855,000 of that investment is in companies that have promised to end their operations in South Africa. Since 1986, the trustees have practiced "selective divestment." University really can't participate in the exhilaration of this kind of an event because it refused to do what Mandela has said has to be McMillin said.

"Cornell has nothing to do with it." Even though the university administration has decided against divesting completely, many of its faculty, staff and students have taken positions against the South African apartheid government. They hope the changes wrought by the current South African government won't cease, and that economic as well as political equality for whites and blacks in South Africa can be a reality in the near future. inside the building's gutted shell. A mixture of mud, broken glass, burnt wood and asbestos litter the dimly lit cement floor. The asbestos hangs from the ceiling like dried out toilet paper spit onto the lawn from a backed up septic tank.

It falls to the floor in powdery clumps. "This stuff is all over, there's no way around it," Winch said. The walls are scrawled with the graffiti of rebellious teens celebrating suicide, punk rock music, drug use and the occult. "Squalid times make for twisted minds," reads one bright red scribble on the bleak cement wall. Window panes vent to the open air, and smashed doors with broken frames allow easy entry.

fast as we could seal it up, it would become unsealed" said former Tompkins County Planning Commissioner Frank Ligouri, an informal expert on the history of the plant. And the kids are only a part of the problem. that building was within the but we normally wouldn't investigate that sort of thing unless it involved illegal activity," McEwer said, adding that the heating plant is beyond his jurisdiction because it's outside city limits. A spokesman for the New York State Police said they had encountered rumors of the cult activity ir 1989 but found the claims had nc merit. Trooper Michael O'Connell said he was not aware of any ongoing investigation.

were some 'Johnny loves Sally's' scribbled on the wall, and a used prophylactic or two, but that's about all," he said. Yet a recent visual inspection revealed a more grim scene. A small red scribble on the side of one the boilers reads, is the future, and the future is confused," while i in an adjoining room paint marks the outline of a body on the floor the way it's done in detective movies and murder mysteries. Anti-Semitic graffiti is scrawled on some oven-like trash burners. Various misogynic obscenities are scattered on the cement walls.

References to suicide, Satan, drugs and death litter the gray walls. Violent adult satanists would not conduct their rituals in such an accessible place for fear of being discovered, and Loomis labeled these rituals as teenage dabblings. CLEARING THE RECORD Lane hearing to be July 17 A headline on an item in the Page 3A Briefly column Thursday contained an erro. A pretrial hearing for Christine Lane, the Lansing woman accused of killing her 23- month-old daugher, Aliza May Bush, has been scheduled for July 17 in Tompkins Co.aty Court. The Journal attempts to correct errors in its news columns.

To report a need for a correction or clarification, call 272-2321 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. "I'm amazed that (President F. DeKlerk has gone as far as he Bernal said. And many think Mandela's.

presence will be enough to bring the measures full circle. "He always seemed to be a man with a heavy burden on his Mbata said of her college classmate. "'He seemed to be a man always with a sense of mission." Mbata, whose husband, Congress Mbata, taught at Cornell until his death last year, grew the town of Alice in the Cape province of South Africa and went to the South African Native College with Mandela. She moved to Ithaca in 1970 with her husband, who left South Africa because of his political stand against the new Bantu education system, which treated blacks as servants. "Those of us who lived in South Africa know how incapacitating it can Mbata said.

When she moved to this country, Mbata said one of the first strange sights she saw was white people doing their own chores. But with the influence of Mande- city, there'd be a demolition order against it for violating code," Ithaca Fire Chief Ed Olmstead said. State fire safety laws say that vacant or abandoned buildings should be either boarded up or ripped down. Olmstead's department has enforcement power over such properties within city limits, but he said the county is delinquent in enforcing those laws against itself. "If this was private property, I wonder if they would be cutting the owner any slack," Olmstead said.

His concerns do not fall on deaf ears. "We appreciate his advice, and we are well aware of the situation," County Administrator Scott Heyman said. absolutely no doubt liability is an issue," he said. Heyman said delays in action are because of the political concerns about limiting development. "We are waiting to see county said Ithaca Town Supervisor Shirley Raffensperger, cautious DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES la and other leaders like Stephen Biko, today's South African children seem to have a new confidence in themselves.

"The kids are not afraid of death, because there's nothing to lose but the Mbata said. And these children, future leaders of the African National Congress, will need to organize and strengthen the group that's been operating underground for so long, Harris said. must begin to have hope," Mbata said. "Even those who thought it was a lost The freedom of South African blacks also will mean freedom for the white people who have enslaved them, Mbata said. "'The minds of white South Africans are also imprisoned.

Mandela is a liberating element also for white people." The question in most people's minds today is not whether the South African system will change, but when it will change, she said. "That large prison of South Africa is going to have all its gates opened because the world is asking for it," Mbata said. about high density housing that could go on the site. Heyman said that in the past year the county has had two or three developers make inquiries and that has prompted joint town-county talks about the site. The building's future will likely come down money.

In order to make it worthwhile to for a developer to clean up the asbestos, they are going to need about 50 acres of the hillside land overlooking the lake, Heyman said. The county's hospital property includes about 100 acres, stretching between Route 96 and Route 89, from near the Paleontological Research Institute on its southern border to Indian Creek Road on its northern end. Much of it is undeveloped rolling hillside. biggest issue is how much land do we want to look at selling. The county is expanding its interest in housing and office space.

We are going to have to take a long hard look at costs." he said. SHIRLEY A. CARPENTER Souta officiating. TRUMANSBURG Shirley Carpenter, 53, of 4356 W. Seneca Road, Truamnsburg, died Wednesday, June 20, 1990, at Tompkins Community Hospital.

Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 23, at Union Cemetery, Ovid, with the Rev. Jerry Obituary Obituary JAMES VALENTINE JAMES VALENTINE James Valentine, 57. of 407 Lake died Wednesday. June 20.

1990, in Tompkins Community Hospital, after a lengthy illness. Born in Brechin. Angus. Scotland, he was the son of David and Elsie Gordon Valentine. He graduated from public school in Scotland and emigrated to the United States in 1958.

Until his illness, he was employed as the manager of Carriage House Apartments. Mr. Valentine is survived by his wife. Elizabeth Sunter Valentine of Ithaca: a son, James Gordon Valentine of Pompano Beach. son daughter-in-law.

Barry and Linda Valentine of Newfield: daughter and son-in-law. Carol John Fish of Ithaca: a West Hill Cemetery Association Hayts Cemetery Frear Memorial Park Questions Concerns Lot Sales Contact: Neil Alling for appointment Call 607-272-5511 5-7 p.m. Prices increase July 1, 1990 Edward E. Hart, M.D. Announces the opening of his OPHTHALMOLOGY OFFICE at The Professional Bldg.

1301 Trumansburg Rd. Suite Ithaca New or Established Patients are invited to call 273-0926 Two women hurt in crash on Rt. 13A Two women were injured carly this morning when the car they were in crashed head-on into a tree, Tompkins County sheriff's deputies said. Deputies believe alcohol was involved in the crash, and the driver is being charged with DWI. A car driven by Allyson Staples, 22, of 100 E.

Main Trumansburg, was traveling south on Route 13A, near Calvary Cemetery in the town of Ithaca about 3 a.m. today when it left north side of the road and struck a tree, deputies said. Staples and a passenger, Jacqueline Chase, 21, were both admitted to Tompkins Community Hospital. Chase was in serious condition, and Staples was in satisfactory condition this morning. Staples was charged with drunken driving, failing to keep in her lane and using studded tires, deputies said.

Brockport man charged in Ithaca check spree A Brockport man was charged with seven different counts Wednesday after he allegedly used Xerox copies of checks from a closed account to pay for items at three different stores, Ithaca police said. Peter I. Bushman, 41, of Holley Street, Brockport, was charged with two counts of theft of services, one count of petit larceny and four counts of issuing bad checks for an alleged three-day check-writing escapade, police said. Bushman allegedly copied checks from a closed account on blue paper and tried to use them at the Triangle Book Shop The Chariot restaurant and Johnny's Big Red Grill, police said. He was caught allegedly using the copies at The Chariot Wednesday, police said.

Bushman is in the Tompkins County Jail on $500 bail on each charge, police said. He is scheduled to appear in Ithaca City Court today. A. CURTIS G. RYAN The Ithaca Brassworks.

Bill Folger and Gregory Gardner will play at a memorial concert for the late Curtis G. Ryan of Alpine at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at Lawrence Chapel. Route 228, Odessa. foster daughter, Lori Washington of Ithaca: and a granddaughter, Heather Fish of Ithaca.

He is also survived by a brother. David Valentine in Scotland. Graveside services will be held for family close friends at 12 Noon. Saturday, June 23. 1990, in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Newfield. Rev. E.J. (Jimmy) Miller. Jr.

officiating. There are no calling hours. Memorial donations may be made to the American Red Cross. The E.C. Wagner Funeral Home of Ithaca is in charge of arrangements.

OBITUARY POLICY The obituaries printed here are paid notices, phrased in accordance with the wishes of families and funeral directors. The Ithaca Journal lists deaths in its local section. JAMES VALENTINE James Valentine, 57, of 407 Lake died Wednesday, June 20, 1990, in Tompkins Community: Hospital, after a long illness. Graveside services for family and close friends will be at noon, Saturday, June 23, in Woodlawn Cemetery, Newfield, with the Rev. E.

J. "Jimmy" Miller Jr. officiating. There are no calling hours. E.

C. Wagner Funeral Home of Ithaca is in charge of arrangements. Dedicated In Loving Memory of BARRY R. BOWEN Passed away 8 years ago this day, June 22, 1982 I wish we could be together right I understand why we must be apart, and I know that in time we'll be together. I know I need to accept this as it is and find some way to cope.

It's hard. and the truth is that being without you hurts so much. Maybe that's because I'm weak. but I think it's because you're a part of me. His wife.

Dear Friends of the Hellenic Holiday, Our annual Hellenic Holiday Dinner Dance is being planned for Saturday, November 3, 1990 at Tompkins Cortland Community College. Mark your calendars now! See you there! St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church ITHACA COLLEGE BASEBALL CAMP SPECIALTY TRAINING JULY 16-20, 1990 Two half-day specialty training sessions designed for high school students ages 13-17 who want to build on specific skills. Morning session a.m. will emphasize pitching, catching, and hitting.

Afternoon session p.m.] will emphasize infield, outfield, and hitting. For information about registration call the Ithaca College Office of Summer Sessions 274-3143..

The Ithaca Journal from Ithaca, New York (2024)
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