The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1333 WATERLOO DAILY COURIER, WATERLOO IOWA' Macks Hit Ball Behind Grove to Down White Sox. 9to0 10 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus 1EF11ED ICE FORGOT OrOE OFVoUrX Five Iowa Ball Stars Disciplined by Coach Vogel Four First String Players All Dropped Permanently; Dragcr Suspended. WHAT THI THAT SHE HAS Lt'T ON) THE TABLE? OF ATHLETIG BE BLANKS MHO IlT DADDY-VM GO'MG DOWM-TOWN1TODO TT I MC 9HOPP.NG.J i '7 Ml HOW MUCH CAM MOKt I pCMDT THAM i i CLOVES 21 Dykes and Foxx Star at Bat I DONT BE 0 DUMB I DAODY THAT1) MY A 7 fFfMS While Hose Are Held to Six Bingles. (i ItsI, Klni Pnlur (indiral. lar.

Ami Krllaln rijMi rtwrrtd. Philadelphia, Pa. i.Ti-With Lefty Grove pitching In old time shutout form, the Athlctirs won the scrip? opener from the Chicago While Sox Tuesday, 9 to 0. Grove allowed but six hits, struck out five men and did not give a walk to win his 'fourth conquest of the season. box wore: ABHOA Fhil'phie ABHOA Roihrock.rf 4 0 1 0 Bishop, 3b 313 15 1 HAWK TRUST IN PERKINS CUTS BALL FROM DOWNHILL LIE THEY HAVE GOOD AND BAD LUCK Seeds, cl Iowa City (V) Four University of Iowa baseball regulars have been dropped from the squad and a fifth, suspended Indefinitely, Coach Otto Vogel said Tuesday night.

The athletes who received ths penalty arc: Capt. Elmo Nelson, Clearfield, catcher: Wesley Flala, right field; Edgar Groepper, St, Louis, Infieldcr; and Leo Frigo, Chicago. Frank Dragcr, Monro Center, shortstop, is under suspension and the Hawkcye coach, would not comment whether he will be allowed to play In the two game) series with Wisconsin at Madison Friday and Saturday. Altho Vogol would not make publio the reason for ousting the players, it was understood that it was for violation of training rules. Fiala, Frigo, Groepper.

and Nelson are all veterans on the Hawkey team. The suspension will deprive) Nelson of an opportunity to wlt eight ma lor letters. The Hawkeye captain placed second In the national collegiate track and field championships last season in the javelin throw. His batting average for the first seven games this reason is .347. Bruins Threaten to Make Breeze of Senior Race 4 0 1 0 Huns, cf (lit 111 (lit 4 1 1 4jSim'on.

It 4 13 0 4 1 0 1 Foxx. lb 4 3 7 1 4 (I 1 alcramer.rf (It Sorrell Holds Red Sox to 2 Hits as Bengals Win, 11-0 CUBS 10 WHIR Blue, lb Ktfu, tii Hodpp.3b Appling, 3b Berry, Jonee. Gregory.p ID DOWN 3 1 1 MrNilr. II 4 3 3 3 1 7 liDvkes, Jb 4 3 0 1 I 1 I Grove, 3 0 10 10 0 1 Totill 34 13 37 Tot ill 33 24 13 JESUP 6LDB. 18- PERKINS GETS BEHIND BALL OH HANGING M6 PLAYS BALL TO LfcFTOy uwg Rookie Hurler Hangs Up Fifth Boston, Mass.

(.3) Vic Sorrell pitched a two hit game for the Detroit Tigers Tuesday while his mates were making 14 hits off three Red Sox hurlers to annex the series opener, 11 to 0. Hal Rhyne, Sox shortstop, spoiled Sorrell's chances of pitching a no hit game by making the only hits off the Tiger hurlcFT The box score: Clift, Nevv Fielder, and Brown Wield Big Bats in Exhibition. Straight Victory by 9-2 Score. (flu the Attocxaird Press) Tearing along three games in front of their closest pursuers Wednesday, their great pitching staff mowing down opposing batsmen with relentless efficiency and their hitters thumping In unison, the Chicago Cubs threaten to make a runaway of the National league race. When young Lon Warneke set the New York Giants down Tuesday, 9 to 2, the leaders scored their fourth straight victory over eastern clubs and their thirteenth win in 16 engagements.

Unless Rogers Hornsby's team Is slowed down soon. It will pile up such an advantage it will be able to coast thru to the flag. Warneke's sensational hurling had rounded out one of the most formidable staffs in either league in winning his first five games, in each of wrjich he went the full distance, th 23-year-old product of Mount Ida, has given up only nine runs, all told. His work has overshadowed that of such veteran mates as Malone, Bush, Smith, Root and Grimes. Detroit ABHOA) Boston ABHOA lohnson.

rf 6 0 3 0 Rogell, ss 14 3 1 Stone, If 3 3 0 0 Ciehr ger.2b 3 13 3 Olson, 2b 4 0 6 3 at wood, If 4 0 10 Webb, rf 3 0 0 0 Oliver, cf 3 0 3 0 Ptoit by Innings: Cbleago 000 000 0000 0 Philadelphia 0(1 003 01x- 13 1 Error, Cramer; runs batted In. Foxx. Dykes 4, Haa 3, Cramer, MrNair: two banc hits, Dykea, Haas, Cochrane, Foxx; homerun, Dykes; double plays, McNalr to Bishop, Hodapp to Blue; left on bases, Chicago t. Philadelphia 3: bases on balls, off Jones struck out, bv Jones 3, Gregory 3. Grovs Jills, off Jones 11 In i innings, Gregory 3 In passed ball, Berry; Losing pitcher.

Jones. Umpires, Nsllin and Gelsel. Time, 1:38. YANKEES 10, BROWNS 3. New York The wildness of two St.

Louis pitchers, Irving "Bump" Hadley and Walter Stewart, combined with a Jew timely hits, a couple of errors and some good mound work by Southpaw Vernon Gomes enabled the Yankees to defeat the Browns 10 to 3 Tuesday in the delayed series jjpener. The box score; St. Loula ABHOA N. York ABHOA ftrhulterf 4 14 0 Combs, cf 3 110 Burns, lb 3 1 I liLary, as 3 14 2 Camp lLrf 4 0 3 0 Ruth, rf 0 110 4 13 0 Bvrd, cf 0 0 0 By JOE GLASS When the second ihot has to be a long one few things can be more an Walker, cf Davis, lb 4 3 0 0 Man's, 3b 3 0 3 3 3 1 0 Ca ib 3 0 111 New Hampton Will Have Dog Events i (Cnunrr Sp'eto AVrrH-r) New Hampton, Ia. The Fay Stlnn Post of the American Legion will sponsor gTeyhound races, three miles east of New Hampton on highway 24, Sunday, May 1J.

Fourteen dogs have been entered. Colonel Ford of Cedar Falls will bs referee, according to Claude H. Merritt, commander of the local post. noying to the average player than to Ricnsnn.Jb 3 13 2 Rhvne, si 3 3 14 Hayw th. 1 3 Tate, 3 0 4 1 Sorrell, 13 0 Shetland, 10 0 3 Chicago Lonnie! Warneke held the New York Giants to five hits Tuesday to win hia fifth straight victory for the Cubs, 9 to 3.

Chicago bunched five hits with Giant errors for five runs in the fourth. The box score: N. York AB A Chicago ABHOA Crlts. 3b 4 0 0 4 Rlch'rg, rf 4 12 0 Koen 4 0 0 0: Herman, 3b 3 13 6 4 0 4 English 4 3 0 4 Terry, lw 4 11S 0i.I 3 13 0 Ott. rf 3 12 4 13 0 Jackson, sj 4 1 1 SlHemsley.c 4 13 0 Verges.

3b 3 1 0 3 4 3 13 3 Hngan, 2 13 lijiirges. ss 4 10 6 Employing his rookies thruout most of the struggle, Manager Doc Bennett's Hawks Tuesday turned back the Jesup Buchanan county league team, 18 to 0, in an exhibition at the Waterloo park. After the regulation nine Innings, the clubs traveled an extra two frames in order that Bennett could get a last glance at some of his help. Led by Gus Cllft, recruit outfielder who reported Just before the game, and Carl Brown, soon to draw his release, the Hawks acquired a two nin margin in the first frame and collected five in the second to a-Jolley 10 0 0 b-Russell 0 0 0 0 Llsenbee'p 0 0 0 1 Kline, 0 0 0 1 Michaels, 0 0 0 0 c-Stumpt 10 0 0 Totals 38 14 27 7 Totala 29 3 27 15 SfeVE P0NO6HUE, ORANGE HURLER FANS ALLOWS 2 HITS IN WIN OVER JANESVILLE Gibson, 1 0 0 0 Warneke, 4 12 0 1 0 0 a-Leslie 10 0 0 Bell, 0 0 0 1 hi si find his ball on a downhill slope. This Is a play on which his tendency is to smother the ball, or push It of! to the right.

Opinions differ to the best way 1n which to plav a downhill, or hanging, lie. If a wood Is needed, you might copy the method of Phil Perkins, one of the favorites of our amateur championship this year. Perkins favors the spoon for this play above the brassle. He stands further back of the ball than ordinarily, taking cart that It Is off the toe of his left foot, instead of the heel. His weight is well on his right leg.

and his body la turned toward the hole more than if he were playing from a good He. stance resists the natural Inclination of the body to slip forward on the slope and so lessens the chance of smothering the ball, or sending It oft to the right. It also produces a sort of cut shot one that helps in elevating the ball and sends It off to the left of the line to the hole. However, it has a fade that brings it back on line. securely salt the game away.

Clift, late of the Dubuque squad, 4 1 3 3 Gehrig, lb 4 0 11 0 3 1 3 ljChap an, If 4 110 1 collected four hits Jn five trips to Terrell, Melillo, 3b Grimes, 3b Levey, aa Hadley, Stewart, Gophers Defeat Tutor Nine, 6-3 3 10 Dickey, 4 3 7 3 4 0 3 SjLaisert. 2o 5 4 1 3 3 1 1 3 0 1 Totala 30 24 13 1 Totals 34 11 27 11 a Batted for Schumacher in eighth. Score by innings: 0 0 0 0 Gomez, 3 0 0 2 New York 000 010 0013 5 3 Chicago 020 502 00x- 11 0 Totals 32 10 27 14 Total! 32 7 24 10 Errors, Critz, Ott, Hogan; runs batted a Baited for Weiland In sixth. Ran for Jolley In aixth. Batted for Michaels In ninth.

Bcore by Innings: Detroit 000 103 17011 14 0 Boston 000 000 00O 0 3 1 Error, Tate; runs batted In, Walker 4, Stone 3, Davis, Sorrell, Johnson, Rogell; two base hlta, Rogell, Walker; three base hit. Stone: stolen bases. Richardson, Davis; sacrifice hits, Stone 3, Davis, Richardson; double plays, Gehringer to Davis, Rhyne to Olson to Van Camp, Tat to Van Camp; left on base, Detroit 8, Boston bases on balls, off Wetland 4, Lisenbee 1, Kline struck out. by Sorrell 3. Weiland 3: hits, off Weiland 6 In 6 Innings, off Lisenbee 6 In 1 3-3, off Kline 3 In 1-3.

off Michael none in 1: wild pitch, Sorrell; losing pitcher, Weiland. Umpires. Ormsby, Van Graflan and Guthrie. Time. 1:66.

ft'ourier Soccial Service) Orange Center Fanning 13 men and allowing but two hits. Grove pitched the Orange High team to a victory over Janesville here Tuesday afternoon, 8 to 1. Llchty'i homerun featured for Orange. The score: n. h.

it. Janesville 7 Orange f. 5 3 Batteries: Janesville. Hoffmen. L.

man, and Rader; Orange, Grove and Johnson. the plate, Including two three-baggers and a double. Brown connected for homerun inside the park and a double. The, Waterloo manager employed six pitchers in the struggle, while Myers started for the Jesup team and was relieved by Leland Fisher, a left hander, who managed to check the Hawk bats to some extent in the three innings he worked. The box score: Jesup AB PO A In, Jurgea 3, Grimm, Warneke.

Rich-bourg, English 2, Jackson, Herman, Ott; two base hits, Jurgea, Jackson, Rlch-boiirl, Olt; three base hits, Warneke, English; stolen bases, Herman 2: sacrifice hit. Richbourg; double plays, English to Herman to Grimm, Jurges to Herman to Grimm; left on bases. New York 4, Chicago bat on balls, off Gibson 1. Schumacher 1, Warneke struck out, by Gibson 1, Warneke hits, off Gibson 7 Score by Innings: St. Loula 000 030 000 7 2 New York 001 111 SOx-10 10 2 Errors, Campbell, Levey, Larserl, Go-met; runt batted In.

Ruth 3. Lazserl 2, Burns 2, Lary, Gomez, Combs, Gehrig; two base hits, Laizert 2. Burns; three base hit. Dickey; sacrifice hit, Lary; double piers, Gomel to Lary to Gehrig, Burns (unassisted Lary to Laisrri to Gehrig: left on bases. New York 10, Bt.

Louis bases on balls, oft Hadlr; Gomei 3, Stewart 2: struck out, by Gomes 7. Hadley siewart 1: hits, oft Badley 10 In 1-3 Innings, Siewart none in 12-3: losing pitcher, Hadley. I'm-pires, McGowan, Hlldebrand and Owens. Time, 2:25. Rave yon ased up (wo er three strokes getting out of a sand trap? Jo, Glass' leaflet.

"The Esploslon Shot," will aid you In cutting down yonr score. Write for It In rare of this paper and enclose a stamped, addressed envelope. Leisher, 3 0 1 4 1 2 Lambert, lb 4 0 1 7 1 1 in 3 1-3 Innings, Schumacher 4 In 1 2-3. Bell none in hit by pitcher, by Windsor, 3b 4 0 0 1 3 1 (Ccurier Special Sen-fee) Minneapolis, Minn. A lead of five runs, gained in the first Inning, allowed the University of Minnesota nine to defeat Iowa Teachers college of Cedar Falls by 6 to 3 here Tuesday afternoon.

Johnson, on the mound for the Tutors, pitched good ball when he settled down after the first Inning, and thereafter gave but six hits. He granted five in the initial frame. Mattson and Shelso, who divided the Gopher mound duties, gave up 10 hits between them, but both were tight In the pinches. The score: R. H.

E. Iowa Teachers 3 10 2 Minnesota 6 11 3 Johnson and Schrody; Mattson, Shelso and Shannon. Fox. ss 4 0 1 2 2 1 By AL DEMAREE Unusual losing or winning streaks in any line of sport always create great interest. The Washington club a number of years ago lost 10 straight games.

This number of defeats, atrangely enough, being me same number of ttiaight victories th Chicago White Sox compiled In 1906. The New York Giants, however, shattered all records for consecutive victories in 1916 when they won 36 straight games. This same year they also had a winning streak or 17 straight games. And in spilt of these two miraculous streaks th'v finished fourth in the pennant race. 7here Is such a great element of good luck In winning streaks and bad lurk in losing streaks.

Rube Marquard, the great Giant southpaw, won 10 straight games In 1012 and then lost two games in one afternoon. In racing Sieve Donoghue, England's Warneke iHogani; losing pitcher, Gibson. Umpires, Pflrman, Quigiey and Hopkins. If 3 0 0 4 0 0 Cahnpbell, cf 3 0 0 3 0 0 Horn. 2b 3 0 0 3 3 1 Hamm, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Myers, 2 0 1 01 0 Luther Trackmen Defeat St.

Olaf (Courier Special Servirr) Decorah, Ia. The Luther track team defeated St. Olaf in a dual meet 83 to 48 Tuesday afternoon. The outstanding race of the day was the century In which Beldlng, Luther frosh, defeated Newby of St. Olaf, He also captured two hurdle races Fisher, 1 0 0 0 3 0 Meeter Enters 20 Athletes in District Joust Pirates Release Vern on Kennedy, Once Bee Hurler Totals Waterloo .30 0 4 24 13 6 AB PO A THILLIES 4.

REDS 0. Cincinnati, O. (Pi Ray Benge muffled the big guns of the Cincinnati Reds Tuesday, scoring a 4 to 0 shutout for the Phillies and snapping a growing Cincinnati winning streak at five games. The box score: Philphia ABHOAI Cin'natl ABHOA Msllon, 2b 4 0 1, cf 4 2 7 0 Rartell. as 4 3 4 3 110 Eash, 3b Anderson, ss Houska, lb great little Jockey, rode over 100 consecutive losers.

and a second In the broad Jump to! Posse, lb Clift, cf Brown, rf PrUes Winner of National Shoe Repairing: Exposition Twenty athletes from West High Frisk. If Klein, rf 4 3 0 0 Herman, rf 4 0 3 0 Hurst, lb 4 011 OlLomb di.c 3 13 3 One Quality The Best Hafey, If garner 18 points. Grove, St. Olaf, and Nelson of Luther had 10 points each. Luther was in the lead thruout taking 10 out of 15 first places.

SLAVE SHIP DROPS OUT OF PREAKNESS will compete in every event and relay of the state district track meet at Cedar Falls Friday, Coach Gordon Meeter announced Wednesday. East High Is entering 11. Whitney.Sb 4 13 3 3. Davis, cf 3 0 4 0 Lee, If 4 13 1 McCurdy.e 4 3 3 0 'Sippi Loop to Start Eleventh Baseball Season CONTINUED FROM PAOE NINE) Thursday Specials Corsetto, If Lowery, 3b Mason, 2b LeMav, Gullidge, Guftason, Perleman, Grimes, Crotty, LeComte, 3 14 0 3 0 13 3 0 7 0 3 0 2 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 0 Oilbert.Jb Heath, lb a-Lucas High, 3b Kolp, b-Hcilman Benge, 3 0 0 4 Fresh from its impressive victory last Saturday at Grlnnell invitational 1 1 0 0 0 0 relays, the West High squad is the RUBBER HEELS Any Slie Wiseman, Genaro Battle to Draw at Des Moines Des Mcines (U.R) Mickey Gcnero, who comes from New York, carried the fight to Hymle Wiseman of Des Moines in a 10-round main event Tuesday night but Wiseman managed to get credit for a draw by landing a succession of jabs to the head of his wary opponent. Genaro's ring tactics are founded upon untiring aggressiveness and ability to weave away from most punches that start his way without so much as raising a glove to ward theni off.

His polish gave him a victory two favorite to win first honors in the Totals 34 I 27 14 I Totals 20 5 27 10 Cedar Falls affair. Baltimore, Slavs Ship, Walter M. Jeffords' leading candidate for Saturday's Preakness and three-year-old honors, was declared out of the $50,000 classic as the result of a spread hoof. Totals 48 18 20 27 15 0 Bcore by Innings: Jrsup 000 000 000 0 4 6 a Batted for Durocher in eighth. Batted for Kolp In ninth.

Score by Innings: Philadelphia 00 3 000 110 4 0 Cincinnati 000 000 0000 5 0 Waterloo 351 520 03X 20 0 Homerun, Brown; three base hits, Clift 7 Pittsburgh, Pa. iPj Release of Lloyd Vernon Kennedy, young pitch-er, was announced Tuesday by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Kennedy played with the Hazelton club of the New York Pennsylvania league last season and was purchased from Burlington, of the Mississippi Valley league In 1930. He ww granted unconditional release. Walker-Risko Bout Postponed; Mickey Bevy of Boils Cleveland.

O. (Pi The scheduled fight Tuesday night between Mickey Walker who hopes to become heavyweight champion, and Johnny Risko, was Indefinitely postponed Tuesday. Walker said a bevy of boils would make It impossible for him to fight at present. DOUG TAIT EELEASED. Philadelphia (U.R) Doug Talt, utility outfielder, Wednesday had been released outright to the Indianapolis club of the American association.

He came here last year from the Atlanta club of the Southern Waterloo Shows Lack of Power in Mound Staff 2: two base hits. Brown, Cllft, Bosse, Leisher; stolen bases, LeMay, Brown; struck out by Gullidge 1, Guftsasnn 1, Grimes 2, Perleman 1. Myers 4. Fisher Ituns batted in, Klein. Hurst, McCurdy: two base hits.

Klein, Hafrv; stolen base, Klein; sacrifice hits, Davis, Morrissey; double play, Lee to Hurst; left on bases, Philadelphia 4. Cincinnati struck out, by Benge 3, Knlp passed ball, Umpires, Reardon and Barr. Time, 1:36. 1. Crotty first on balls otf Myers 3, (CONTINUED FROM PAGE NINEI liDoxinq fifesults Guftason passed ball, Leisher runs and hlis, off Gullidge 0 and 1 in 2.

Ouftasnn 0 and 0 In 3, Perleman 0 and OAK LEATHER OR USKIDE HALF SOLES 1 in 3, Grimes 0 and 0 in 3. Crotty and 3 in 1. Myers 15 and it in Fisher 3 and 6 In double play, Gullidge. Umpire, Cass. Sonnenberg Signs to Meet Londos Brooklyn Seeks to Get Rottomlcy, Price Too High St.

Louis (JP) The Brooklyn Dod Los Angeles. CNS) "Dynamite Gus" Sonnenberg, Dartmouth college man who became a wrestling champion, Wednesday signed a contract to meet Jim Londos, claimant to the world title, at Wrigley field here June 27. roe Press) Johnson City, Tenn. W. L.

(Young) 8tribling. Atlanta, outpointed George Neron of Greene, (10). Des Moines Mickey Genaro, New York, and Hymie Wiseman, Des Moines, drew 1IO1; Roy Williams, Chicago, outpointed Louie Mays, Des Moines 10 1 Babe Car-nera. Dea Moines, stopped Joe Boyd, Seattle m. Los Angeles Lee Ramage, San Diego, outpointed Yale Okun, New York 10 Fort Worth, Tex.

Wilson Dunn. Tulsa, scored technical knockout over Duke Trammel, Fort Worth (9. Be Assured of Quality The only shoe repairing shop In Waterloo holding twa national gers have their eyes on "Sunny Jim" Bottomley, first baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals.

Max Carey, manager of the Brook- PITCHERS FAR AHEAD OF '31 RECORD WITH 26 SHUTOUT CONTESTS lvn club, admitted that trade talk was going on between him and Cardi nals officials while the uoogers are here for a series, and made it known that the chief stumbling block to a weeks ago over Tony Ligourl here but Wiseman Tuesday night was prepared for the attack. In the semi-windup Roy Williams of Chicago outpointed Louie Mays of Des Moines in 10 rounds. Babe Camera of Des Moines won by a technical knockout in the seventh from Joe Boyd of Seattle. Doeg to Appear in Orange Event New York (TP) John Hope Doeg, national tennis singles champion in 1930, will make the first of a limited number of competitive appearances this in the Orange Lawn Tennis club's Invitation tournament starting at South Orange, N. Maj 26, Doeg probably will not play in more than a half dozen tournaments this year including the Sea-bright invitation, the national singles and doubles championships, and possibly in the Newport and Southampton Invitations.

Albie Booth Back as Yale Shortstop New Haven, Conn. (JP) Albia Booth returned to Yale athletic competition Tuesday after five months inactivity because of a lung infection, taking his old place as shortstop on the EU baseball team in its game against Rikkio university of Japan. Booth, who was given permission to play after a physical examination, was greeted with a cheer by the surprised spectators when he came on the diamofld. camps indicate, as usual, that the managers are confident their clubs will hold up In the heat of the campaign and that while they expect it to be close, eventually their entry will be returned the winner. It has always been such with baseball managers.

New Faces at Keokuk. Keokuk, the defending champion, will start with but three members of last year's team but the word is out that Bobby Rice has another likely looking bunch of boys with which to defend the club's honors. Davenport, anxious for a pennant, has given Cletus Dixon a free hand is assembling a team which will represent that city at or near the top. Dixon has turned to veteran players and capable hitters in an effort to turn the trick. Many fans who have followed the teams believe that Dixon holds the winning hand.

Dubuque, likewise anxious to boast a winning club, has Informed Roper that he Is responsible for producing a consistent winner and Roper, like Dixon, has turned to veterans, some of national reputation, around whom to build this year's Tiger entry. Speraw Trusts Speed. Paul Speraw at Cedar Rapids, a successful manaeer since he took over the reins In Bunnyville, again will depend on a veteran pitching staff and plenty of speed, along with smart baseball. Burlington, under Art Mueller, will seek a powerful attack from a team composed of last year's veterans along with California rookies signed by Mueller while he was wintering on the coast. Rock Island, under Pepper Young, figures to have a strong club which may make it tough for the would-be leaders, while Moline, with a new manaeer.

Dutch Lorbeer, and almost an entire new squad of players, is pretty much a mystery. Waterloo's club and chance are covered elsewhere In todays sports section. Logan Predict Success. Dr. Logan of Keokuk, commenting on the rule chances In an Associated Press story Wednesday, said that major league hookups have brought into the league 36 young: players whose showing indicates -faster, better drawing baseball in the league.

From a box-office point of view he expects the Dubuque and Waterloo clubs, both under new directorates, to attract greater interest among the fans of those cities. Burlington. Rock Island and Moline, which did poorly financially last year, should draw better crowds with Improved lineups, he believes. Mister 10c. Cigar Smoker Have you been trying to find a cigar at 5c that will satisfy you? Buy a few John Ruskins, either size.

Perfecto Extra or ing to be the weakest of the quartet. The manager has hinted, however, that if second baseman is obtainable, he will shift Mason to third, thus completing an infield which should rank with the best the Hawks have boasted for a long, long time. Jimmy Lyke, veteran catcher, will do most of the Hawk receiving with LeMay, a rookie, doing second string work. At the very outset of the training period Bennett said he would give Waterloo fans a team equipped with a first class catcher. Lyke appears to be the answer to that promise.

LeMay has fine possibilities and should develop rapidly. The outfield will find Harry Whitehouse, a heavy sticker, In left field, Cllft, the Dubuque recruit, in center and Corzetto in right. This will be shifted with the arrival of Frank Hall late this month with Corzetto or Clift going their way unless either or both can prove in the meantime that they are better hitters than Hall, now In Oregon teaching school. liar num. to Report.

Another late arrival will be Bar-num, the third sackcr. who will report when school is nut at Wyoming. but he, like Hall, will be forced to prove himself better than the present tncumbmts and will have the additional handicap of the late start. The team appears to have a lot of punch, a thing that, didn't seem possible at the start of the season; it will be equipped with averaire speed and if the pitchers hold up, the squad will have plenty of staying power. It will play smart baseball and dull moments should be few and far between.

Time and time alone will tell what it can do under fire and fans will have to wait until time for the verdict deal was the high price put on Bottomley by the Cards. Carey did not mention the price, but Branch Rickey, vice-president of the Cardinals, is reported to have asked $150,000 for the man whose batting average last year was .348. Carey said William Clark, southpaw pitcher, was one of the Brooklyn players sought by the Cards. KANSAS NETMEN WIN. Lincoln, Neb.

Led bv their star netster, Wilbur "Junior" Coen, the Kansas University tennis team defeated the University of Nebraska racquet wielders, 6 to 0, here Tuesday. Hurd of the Jayhawkers won from Peden of the Huskers In the only three-set match. TO START TRAINING. Chicago. U.P.h-Billy Petrolic, Du-luth, Junior welterweight, and Bat Battalino, Hartford, are expected to arrive here this weekend to complete training for their 10-round return bout at the Chicago stadium May 20.

GOLFERS CARRY GUNS. Mankato, Minn. (S'j Rifles are part of golfing equipment on a rural course near here. Gophers have been digging up the fairways so golfers are carrying guns to shoot the animals as well as clubs to whack the balls. SHELL ROCK WINS.

-Shell Rock, la. The Shell Rock Independents defeated the Plainfield Independent', 8 to 6, in a contest here. D. Ramig and P. Harms formed the winning battery; C.

Smith and Shadbolt worked for the losers. Panetela. They will satisfy you! LI1VIBLRT Independence, Ia. Distributors. mm 4 VMmm-mm'wp New York (U.R) Major league hurlers have chalked up nearly twice as many shutouts as were recorded at this time last vear, 26, against 14 on May 11 of 1931.

This tight pitching seems to be divided evenly between the two leagues as the National and American each has 13 shutouts to its credit. The Washington Senators and St. Louis Browns are tied for blanking honors with four each, giving them the lead for both leagues. Detroit has two and Boston's Red Sox, the Yankees and Athletics one each. In the National league, honors are spread out mora evently.

Two each have been recorded by Cincinnati, Brooklyn, the Phillies, Pittsburgh and the Cardinals, while the Giants, Braves and Cubs have one each. Sam Gray of the Browns leads the American division with two shutouts, and Steve Swrtonic of the Pirates heads the National circuit with a similar number. hi mXjor. LEAGUE LEADERS SET GOLF DATE. Ts Moines, la. May 28 has been set as the date for the fifth annual state high school golf tournament which will be held on Woodside course here. Wq stlinq Layton Leading Hoppe in Match Chicago (leisi Johnny Layton Wednesday led Willie Hoppe 200 171 in 181 innings after the second day of play in their 500-polnt three cushion billiard match here. Layton, 10 times champion, won Tuesday's game, 50 to 48 in 46 innings and the evening match, 50 to 46 in 48 innings. Li, llif. ml.

I'iiksi Statistics Include games plaved May 10. LEADING BATTERS. Tlater and Club AB PCT. Foxx, Athletics 21 54 4 Reynolds. Senators 19 SI 13 S4 Dickey, Yankees 17 (W Si Crlts, Giants in OS 11 34 Walker, Tigera 10 66 11 24 HOMERINS.

Terry, Giants 7 Toix, Athletics 7 Collins, Cardinals 7 Ruth. Yankees Gehringer, Tigers Averlll, Indians RINS. Fexx, Athletics S4 Voimlk. Indians Klein, Thlllies Si Cochrane, Atblctlea 72 Porter, Indians 51 Rl'NS RATTED IN. Arerill, Indians -5 Ruth, Yankeea S3 Foxx.

Athletics Gehringer. Tigers 2S Terry, Gianta HITS. Pnrlee. Indians 34 Reynolds, senators 34 Foxx, Athletics .11 Giants 34 Collins, Cardinals Rleln. Phillies it Whitney, Phllllea Arerill, Indians itt Borns.

Browns 31 Lerery, Browns 33 1 1 College Sports TONIGHT'S BOXING SHOW ELECTRIC PARK 8:30 P. M. 8 ROUNDS-SPEEDY MOULDEN St. Louis HOMER SHERIDAN Sioux City 4 Rounds IRVING JUDAS vs. SPEEDY SMITH 4 Rounds RINEY JUDAS vs.

JACK HOCKEY 4 Rounds CHUCK HALLIGAN vs. JACK SPRATT Free Movies 7:45 P. M. DANCING VERN WINTERS' ORCHESTRA At Treat Prices 25c and 10c 10c AT THE GATE SEES ALL 10c Davenport, Cedar Rapids and Keokuk, which showed a profit last year, he expects to repeat, since they are starti.ic the season with money in the bank. Wadena Defeats Arlington, 5-1 (Courier Special Service) Arlington, la.

Wadena High's baseball team scored a 5 to 1 victory over Arlington Tuesday In the last home (tame for the latter nine. Batteries for Wadena were Clark and Probert; for Arlington, Putnam. Smith and Squires. L. Bachtcll umpired, EGYPTIAN r.AIR WINS.

Genoa, Italy lii Pierre and Jean Grandguillot of Egypt defeated Del Bono and" Sertorio of Italy 6-2. fi-3. 6-7, 6-4. in the doubles of the Davis cup zone matches Tuesday. New York Jim McMlllen.

213, Chicago, threw Herman Hickman, 230, Knoxvllle, 42-54; Frits Kiev, 212, Germany, threw Herb Freeman, 224, New York. 36 32. sbingion, D. Henri Dfglane, 316, Montreal, threw Lee Wykoff, 212, St. Louis, 2( 00: Joe Malcewicz.

190. Utica. N. Y. threw Jake Patterson, 220, Syracuse.

20.00. Buffalo, N. Ed Don George. 312, North Java. N.

drew with Nick Luise, 20. California, one hour: Len Macalueo, Buffalo, threw Dan KolofT, 220, 15:43. Rntnn Ed '8'ranri Lewis, 3.10, Los defeated Leon Pinetzki, 283, Po-Isnd. airsiPht fniii, 05 and it Biltimnre prl MrCrradr, 225, Okla-hems, threw Kwariam, 315, Russia, 30.00. BASEBALL, Mtnneaota 0, Iowa Male Trarhers 3.

Xatre Dame 0. NoHhweMerit S. St. Olar Blrir Falls (Mis.) s). If.

t. T. WhlnUn and Lee t. Columbia Princeton 8. ItliKDla rolleg H.

Stale Normal 7. (Ikkla (Japan) Yale 1. Miuort 4, Teachers t. TRACK. Inker 3, St.

Ol.t 1. TF.NMS. luul (, btbritkt 0. HELEN JACOBS, BRIT.NOV WIN IN MIXED DOUBLES Berlin (U.R) Miss Helen Jacobs of California and Jacques Brugnon, French Davis cup player, defeated Fraulcin Else Koehne and Theo Hartz, 8-6, fi-3. in a match of the Berlin mixed doubles tennis championships Tuesday.

KING IN HOSPITAL. Chicago. U.R! King Lrvinsky. Chicaco heavyweight, was confined to the Garfield park hospital Wednesday, recovering from an operation for the removal of his tonsils. i.

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.